Paved areas and gabion fence at customer in Krupka
- Lis 04, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Gardens, Reference structures, Structures
Realization in Krupka continues… The construction part is slowly coming to an end and in mid-November the cherry on the cake will be the gardening part 🙂 … tree planting. These are photos of the hilarious construction elements. Especially the paved areas such as the large pavement to the garage…
Realization in Lom – surface loading of soil – 110 t of material
- Říj 25, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Gardens, Greenery, Reference structures, Structures
If you build a house on a site that people used as a landfill, then it is clear that there will not be much fertile soil. So, there is a need for an area of soil replacement. First, the whole garden was properly cultivated, unwanted waste and stones were removed…
Phase II. -Paving, stairs and terrace preparation
- Říj 23, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Gardens, Reference structures, Structures
dlažba v zahradním domečku bude to rovně slibuju:) nesmíme nic podcenit.. každý cm hraje roli no to už vypadá lépe práce jako pro popelku suchou nohou kolem domu vypadá to pěkně, že:) vypadá to pěkně,že:-) We are continuing the realization at our customer in Dobětice. Winter is approaching and we…
A stream in our customer’s garden – I. Phases
- Zář 29, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Reference structures
It starts with the customer’s desire… Imaginative designer Petra will visualise your dream and if you have a team of creative colleagues who love a challenge, then the result is amazing. The construction of a „mountain“ stream at our customer’s site in Dobětice was a real challenge. The garden is…
Realization in Skorotice part I.
- Čvc 10, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Gardens, Reference structures, Structures
The realization at our dear customer in Skorotice started already last spring. It was divided into 4 stages and we all enjoyed it very much. We are already looking forward to catching some pictures of the garden being beautifully integrated after the holidays with our dear customer in Skorotice:-)…
Realization in Lom
- Čvn 05, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Reference structures
Last autumn we started the reconstruction of the garden in Lom u Most. The customer’s dream was to create a place where the whole family would love to spend time together and relax in their own way. The daughter wanted a corner with a hammock, the wife wanted a bench…
Planting of 85 Acer pseudoplatanus for the Forest of the Czech Republic in Nelahozeves
- Dub 20, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Greenery, Reference structures
Je tu ale krásně. Tady budeme sázet …. Pozor couvám 🙂 Už je nesuuu Kameny kam se podíváš Pěkně na svá místa kluci.. A pořádně zalít. Bez bagru to je brnkačka 🙂 A je hotovo 🙂 Last week we participated in the planting of a replacement planting in the…
We’ve been having fun with you for „20 years“.
- Led 22, 2020
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Reference structures
Základ perfektního „greenu“ je mít spolehlivé lidi. Pak jde i handicap levou zadní:-) Co v mládí zasadíš, v dospělosti …zapomeneš… Já Vám to,hoši, ukážu… Rosteme Štěstí přeje připraveným aneb jednou se tam všichni potkáme … rekultivace hřbitova na Střekově 🙂 Nějak mi to do sebe nezapadá… Pokládka zpomalovacích pásů! Kryju…
Our public spaces have the green light!
- Pro 20, 2019
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Reference structures
Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením (Děčín) Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením (Děčín) Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením (Děčín) Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením (Děčín) Dokumentace úprav ploch památníku a stromořadí Dokumentace úprav ploch památníku a stromořadí Dokumentace úprav ploch památníku a stromořadí Dokumentace úprav ploch památníku…
Repair of the pond technology in the Home for the elderly in Bukova
- Pro 19, 2019
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Greenery, Reference structures, Structures
Oprava technologie jezírka Oprava technologie jezírka Oprava technologie jezírka Oprava technologie jezírka Oprava technologie jezírka v domově pro seniory na Bukově Oprava technologie jezírka Oprava technologie jezírka Oprava technologie jezírka Oprava technologie jezírka We are happy to participate in the creation of green surroundings together with representatives of municipalities or…
Realization of a permaculture garden in Ústí nad Labem
- Srp 07, 2019
- By Petra Kučerková
- In Reference structures
In the spring of this year, we accepted a challenge to create a permaculture garden for our client. It was a really creative project and we are proud of the result we left behind. Our entire team was brimming with great ideas that we managed to bring to life: for…
Laying of large-size paving XXL
- Dub 02, 2018
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Gardens, Reference structures, Structures
The modern, stable 12 cm thick DITON pavement requires a special vacuum machine PROBST VS-140/200-SPEEDY with a load capacity of up to 250 Kg. Together with the AVANT, laying XXL paving is easy and productive. All those who have handled the paving have been convinced of this. This equipment is…
New fencing and fillings made of plastic profiles
- Dub 02, 2018
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Gardens, Reference structures, Structures
The black roof of the house. Light facade. Garden design. Grey precast brickwork. And anthracite infill? YES. The name Everwood means „everlasting wood“, which suggests that the material can be used especially wherever natural wood suffers from weather changes – outdoors. It has many good properties: it does not…
Wooden fencing for new „everlasting“ wood?
- Kvě 03, 2017
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Gardens, Reference structures, Structures
How long-lasting is wooden fencing? With exaggeration we can say that even with a quality coating of three-layer varnish, the lifetime of the fence often does not exceed 10 years. A customer who had a solution developed and invested in artificial profiles, which are a faithful copy of wood, was…
Production area of FRK Technik s.r.o in Teplice newly fenced
- Dub 07, 2017
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Reference structures, Structures
The site uses a rolling automatic gate and a gate of a very high required quality as the main entrance. An intercom is installed in the post. The manufacturing plant supplies parts to the automotive industry. The site is located in the Krupka zone opposite Knauf Insulation. The fencing is…
- Bře 01, 2017
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Reference structures
Mr. Barták, how was the challenging work born? At the very beginning there was a customer who wanted to build a water garden. The water element therefore played a major role and had absolute priority over everything else. The customer reportedly had no time left for a seaside holiday –…
- Úno 21, 2017
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Reference structures
It’s easy to say „Plant a tree“, but even this seemingly simple activity can be quite a challenge, especially if the tree is a bit bigger. And then after such hard work one still has to go finish the above saying …. beget a son. Bez techniky to nejde…
Eternal wood – a fence in a new coat
- Úno 17, 2017
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Reference structures, Structures
The client ordered new fencing for his property. The material used in this case was the so-called EVERWOOD perpetual wood (extruded plastic-based profiles resistant to water, salt and weather conditions) in a light yellow shade. Detail plotového pole Montáž dílců u klienta Branka s automatickou bránou Barva odpovídá požadavku Oblouk…
The magic of the central garden with roses
- Úno 10, 2017
- By Tomáš Barták
- In Gardens, Reference structures
It is said that what is small is beautiful, some might argue that this is not true for a garden, and that the more square meters, the more luxurious the garden will be. But even in a relatively small garden, with the help of experts, something beautiful can be created…