In the part of Ústí nad Labem – Střekov, professional development care is being carried out after 5 years since the planting of 60 new trees. Removal of supports, fertilization with nutritional tablets, irrigation bowl of mulch bark and above all educational pruning of the crown. The latter is, last but not least, a very important element in the establishment of the new crown.

Alder sticky – planting
The tree avenue will also require replanting of missing trees and more damaged trees. This is a cultivar of Alnus glutinosa „LACINIATA“.
Alder is a fast growing tree that loves moist habitats. In nature you will find it near rivers and watercourses. Laciniata is a cultivar that differs from the common alder by its attractive, conspicuous leaves. These are deciduous, medium green, slightly glossy and turn yellow in autumn. In spring, the tree flowers with interesting, light green needles.
In contrast, trees from good nurseries have a strong central trunk to give more prominence to the relatively symmetrical pyramidal crown. Because of its fast growth rate, it is used around paths, in empty spaces in parks and in tree plantings where you need to make the most of a short space of time. The branching is thinner so the tree does not cast a dark shadow.
Alder trees are not demanding in terms of soil type. They can cope with poorer soil and if they root well, although they love constant moisture, they can even tolerate summer droughts. Fully hardy to about -40°C.